RetinaEngine Class

Calculates the firing rate of a neuron based on the stimulus and the receptive field type. More...

Header: #include <RetinaEngine>
Inherits: NodeEngine.


Public Functions

void calculateFiringRate()
Kernel * kernel() const
QImage paintedImage() const
bool plotKernel() const
double sensitivity() const
VideoSurface * videoSurface() const

Public Slots

void receivedImage()
void setKernel(Kernel * kernel)
void setPlotKernel(bool plotKernel)
void setSensitivity(double sensitivity)
void setVideoSurface(VideoSurface * videoSurface)


void kernelChanged(Kernel * kernel)
void plotKernelChanged(bool plotKernel)
void sensitivityChanged(double sensitivity)
void videoSurfaceChanged(VideoSurface * videoSurface)

Reimplemented Protected Functions

virtual void stepEvent(double dt, bool parentEnabled)

Detailed Description

Calculates the firing rate of a neuron based on the stimulus and the receptive field type.

Property Documentation

kernel : Kernel *

Access functions:

Kernel * kernel() const
void setKernel(Kernel * kernel)

Notifier signal:

void kernelChanged(Kernel * kernel)

plotKernel : bool

Access functions:

bool plotKernel() const
void setPlotKernel(bool plotKernel)

Notifier signal:

void plotKernelChanged(bool plotKernel)

sensitivity : double

Access functions:

double sensitivity() const
void setSensitivity(double sensitivity)

Notifier signal:

void sensitivityChanged(double sensitivity)

videoSurface : VideoSurface *

Access functions:

VideoSurface * videoSurface() const
void setVideoSurface(VideoSurface * videoSurface)

Notifier signal:

void videoSurfaceChanged(VideoSurface * videoSurface)

Member Function Documentation



void RetinaEngine::calculateFiringRate()

QImage RetinaEngine::paintedImage() const

[slot] void RetinaEngine::receivedImage()

[virtual protected] void RetinaEngine::stepEvent(double dt, bool parentEnabled)