Edge Class

The Edge class is a basic connection between two nodes. More...

Header: #include <Edge>
Inherits: QQuickItem.


Public Functions

Edge(QQuickItem * parent = 0)
int curved() const
NodeBase * itemA() const
NodeBase * itemB() const

Public Slots

void setCurved(int curved)
void setItemA(NodeBase * arg)
void setItemB(NodeBase * arg)


void curvedChanged(bool curved)
void itemAChanged(NodeBase * arg)
void itemBChanged(NodeBase * arg)

Additional Inherited Members

  • 33 protected functions inherited from QQuickItem

Detailed Description

The Edge class is a basic connection between two nodes.

When two objects of the NodeBase type are to be connected in the GraphEngine an Edge object is used to hold a reference to the two objects.

It is the responsibility of the Edge object to notify the two NodeBase objects about when it has been added or removed.

Property Documentation

curved : int

Access functions:

int curved() const
void setCurved(int curved)

Notifier signal:

void curvedChanged(bool curved)

itemA : NodeBase *

Access functions:

NodeBase * itemA() const
void setItemA(NodeBase * arg)

Notifier signal:

void itemAChanged(NodeBase * arg)

itemB : NodeBase *

Access functions:

NodeBase * itemB() const
void setItemB(NodeBase * arg)

Notifier signal:

void itemBChanged(NodeBase * arg)

Member Function Documentation

Edge::Edge(QQuickItem * parent = 0)