NodeBase Class

The NodeBase class provides basic functionality of all nodes. More...

Header: #include <NodeBase>
Inherits: QQuickItem.


Public Functions

NodeBase(QQuickItem * parent = 0)
NodeEngine * engine() const
void reset()

Public Slots

void setEngine(NodeEngine * arg)


void edgeAdded(Edge * edge)
void edgeRemoved(Edge * edge)
void engineChanged(NodeEngine * arg)

Additional Inherited Members

  • 33 protected functions inherited from QQuickItem

Detailed Description

The NodeBase class provides basic functionality of all nodes.

All nodes in Neuronify inherit from NodeBase. It holds a pointer to a NodeEngine and a list of all connected edges. Only the connected Edge object is allowed to add or remove edges of a NodeBase object.

The only reason for the existence of NodeBase is that NodeEngine and GraphEngine cannot know about the Node type, because Node is defined in QML.

See also Node and NodeBase.

Property Documentation

engine : NodeEngine *

Access functions:

NodeEngine * engine() const
void setEngine(NodeEngine * arg)

Notifier signal:

void engineChanged(NodeEngine * arg)

Member Function Documentation

NodeBase::NodeBase(QQuickItem * parent = 0)


[signal] void NodeBase::edgeAdded(Edge * edge)

[signal] void NodeBase::edgeRemoved(Edge * edge)

void NodeBase::reset()